Monday, November 30, 2009

Late Harvest

Oven roasted the large carrots and beets. Ate the small carrots raw. So sweet! The carrot tops look funny because the deer had been grazing recently. They seemed to like the beet leaves, too. I'm still getting tomatoes from the amazing plant I bought from the little freckle faced red haired boy at the Kingston farmers' market. I'm hoping he shows up again next spring.

Watched an eagle try to lift a big bird, maybe a grebe, out of the water this afternoon. It made several passes and grabs but didn't have the strength to make a capture. The poor prey didn't survive. I wonder what shape we'd be in if we had to grab our food while it was still alive. I'd be a vegetarian for sure!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Greens Convene

Never before shown painting from a couple of months ago. One of two pieces I've just this minute submitted to CVG's all-WA show. Digital images must be exactly certain pixel sizes and so on. Solving this problem drove me to near meltdown but now it seems so easy. The black bars are because they want it on a square "canvas" of a certain size. Picky-picky, but standard OP for juried shows. In this painting the tender young lettuces and tough old ferns are talking to each other comparing notes on the pros and cons of being edible. Is this weird that all my vegetables have feelings?

If you want to see the other piece that was submitted, you must go to the KAG just up from the ferry dock in darling little Kingston, WA, USA!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blooming November 15

It's cold and stormy. A few snowflakes fell south of here last night. It's dark from 4 to 8 but !! things are still blooming. The strawberries in the basket that I mentioned in the previous post are the most astounding, but I have yellow snapdragons, deep russet mums with yellow centers, purple petunias that refuse to quit, some leggy gaura and even some English peas that the deer enjoy nibbling are still putting out white blossoms.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Strawberries in November!

They are green but this ever-bearing berry bush doesn't want to quit for the season. The sun has broken through the storm clouds only briefly but the blossoms keep coming. The weather is sucky, the health care legislation is completely botched, all governments are corrupt and the greediest bastards on the planet rule it, but the discovery of water on the Moon makes it all seem so inconsequential.

In response to Credo Mobile's campaign to send coat hangars to certain misguided congressmen, here's a message I just sent out to some friends, to senators and congressman, and to President Obama himself (as if he reads his own email!):

We desperately need major changes to the way medicine is practiced in the US but this proposed so-called health care reform legislation is worthless. It just forces people to buy insurance (big time bucks to the industry) and cancels any provisions for coverage for pregnancy terminations. Two big wins for the party that lost at the polls this time last year. I don't get it and we sure don't need it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

'37 Ford Sparkling on Main Street

Wayne's wheels added some Wow to downtown Edmonds today. That's some red!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Focus on the Family

A small painting on display at the Kingston Art Gallery


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