They are green but this ever-bearing berry bush doesn't want to quit for the season. The sun has broken through the storm clouds only briefly but the blossoms keep coming. The weather is sucky, the health care legislation is completely botched, all governments are corrupt and the greediest bastards on the planet rule it, but the discovery of water on the Moon makes it all seem so inconsequential.
In response to Credo Mobile's campaign to send coat hangars to certain misguided congressmen, here's a message I just sent out to some friends, to senators and congressman, and to President Obama himself (as if he reads his own email!):
We desperately need major changes to the way medicine is practiced in the US but this proposed so-called health care reform legislation is worthless. It just forces people to buy insurance (big time bucks to the industry) and cancels any provisions for coverage for pregnancy terminations. Two big wins for the party that lost at the polls this time last year. I don't get it and we sure don't need it.
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