Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Little Bit of Paradise

I just sent this photo to some nice people we just met who kayak and it brought back such fond memories I had to post it here. This was taken last summer in a little group of islets, the Burwoods, across from Echo Bay, a floating resort in the Broughton Archipelago in British Columbia. We had stopped for a brief exploration. I could have stayed forever, or at least as long as the beautiful weather held out.


  1. Oh, Daffodils, the sign that spring is coming at last! Annson

  2. I see hints of spring and then winter tries to horn back in. My crocus are all abloom...no daffodils yet but soon they will appear and the rest of the bulbs.

    I've two more working days left and then I can begin the decompression project. I know I'm wound a bit tight from all these years of work.

    I'll call to get the address for our gps sometime soon. Thanks for sharing the photos and beautiful art.



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