Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Beginnings

Passed a little group of wet-haired, towel-wrapped kids hiking up the road from the swimming beach late this afternoon. They'll be back in school soon, days of freedom come to an end. Surely a few might be actually looking forward to all the possibilities that lie ahead. In September even though I haven't been in school for eons I always feel like it's the start of something new. It's the cooling off, the shorter days, the conditioning from childhood that create this excitement about taking on a new challenge. For me this year it's the chair position of the Gallery that's got me excited. The web site, our online banner ad, better signs . . . lots of ideas for drawing in more visitors and building on the success of the newly famous slug hunt.

Closing in on a year since I started this blog and I'm happy to have a record of how things were back then, as things have changed, like my ability to do hard and heavy landscaping, since my back is messed up to a great extent. Aside from that, it's the most conscientious journal I've ever done and probably a good tool for keeping the brain cells alive.


  1. What a nice post. I have enjoyed seeing your world thru the blog for this last year. I remember when you did lots of volunteer work in the schools. And now you are moving into a position at the gallery. They are very lucky to have you!

  2. I feel the same as you when September rolls around, a whole new season. Although I hate to see summer come to an end, there is that feeling of possibility isn't there?



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