Sitting in the sun on the sandy shore of Ediz Hook, watching a harlequin duck family dive and skim for food--such beauty, such bliss! (This photo is from Photobucket, I was without camera on this outing.)
This morning I drove 60-some miles to meet up with Susan from Sequim in search of the perfect red dahlia. At "Jan's Country Garden" near Port Angeles, we walked the rows of dahlias of every size, color and petal shape and I did, in fact, find the perfect red dahlia or three, and some all white ones, and a red and white one, and then a pale pink one just for variety. These bulbs, or tubers, will be ready in mid-April, so that is plenty of time to figure out where to put them. And get Buff Guy to dig some more holes. Also got a bag of red, ripe tomatoes for an unbelievable $1/lb.!
After enjoying an Oyster Po' Boy overlooking the harbor, we gallery hopped and saw amazing woodwork and photographs. How can there be so many super-talented artists wherever one goes? Heading over to the Hook for some quality birding, with binos and Sibley in hand, we studied various gulls and seals sunning themselves on floating logs, then came upon the harlequin duck family, mom, pop and three young ones. They swam back and forth along the shore, filling their bellies and fluffing their feathers, diving and splashing and showing their colors and patterns to our total delight.
SfS sent me home with a huge bouquet of dahlia blossoms from her own garden and tomorrow I'll try to do them justice with my little Canon.
I love Dahlias`!!! I think you have a charmed life and Im so glad you share it on your blog. Im waiting for the photos!