Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Catch a Geoduc

Photo by Gerard Van Wesep

Hmm, two "duck" posts in a row. A third could've been a shot of the blood gushing from my arm this morning when I didn't "duck" a big blackberry thorn as I cleaned up the pruning from the lane.

About that geoduc digger, yes, he was successful and we (and others) had amazing delicious sweet geoduc in various forms for several days. Remains in the fridge of what started out as fritters, switched to cakes, transformed to quiche-like pie. We're eating well (neighbor Joe gifted us a fresh caught salmon!) and staying fairly cool here on the cliff as surrounding areas suffer a heat wave. My studio is comfortable with a fan blowing but oh do those acrylics dry fast!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ducky Love

Official greeter and hugger at the little museum in Sequim -- the docent's pet duck! He was so cute in his matching blue booties and diaper. The Lavender Festival was on and I had a great time with my friend Sue who settled in Sequim 10 years ago and seemed to know every interesting person we encountered. My lavender bundles are upside down drying and "Wreck of the Peter Iredale", a beautiful photo by Larry Barnest (looks like a watercolor) is hanging in the living room. He's in the Blue Whole Gallery in Sequim, a great place to shop, almost as good as our own Kingston Art Gallery.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Visit from Morocco

Linda Z is returning with loads of beautiful handmade beads from the women of Khenifra. Here's the story on the web:"

Here's the proof that one person can make a difference in the lives of others!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Foggy Days

Poor long distance visibility today but, oh, the birds in the yard! Intriguing cedar wax wings in the serviceberry earlier this am. Red spots on wings were visible for the first time. I thought the hummers had abandoned our feeder but after changing the syrup, a few are back. A flicker finally discovered the suet block I put up recently. It's a good day for getting started on refinishing the Eero Saarinen table and chairs gifted to me by my darling brother. There's quite a bit of sanding to do.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tonight's Salad

Still getting a thrill from gathering greens from the garden. Wouldn't this be fun to paint? Guess I'll get started tomorrow after recruiting slug hunt sponsors. Feeling sleepy now. Went birding with local Audubon group @ 7:30 A!M!

Friday, July 3, 2009


This poor carrot! Given all the requirements for proper growth and nutrition -- rich organic soil, warm sunny days, pure well water -- all it could do was grow half a carrot, split right down the length -- mutant or birth defect? Maybe Ed Hume will know. I wrote to him yesterday.


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