Monday, November 17, 2014

Love sick in paradise

Lonely pygmy kingfisher yearns for tweet from twitter bird

Acrylic on canvas, 9" x 12"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Farm Stand Veggies

We got the farmer's season's first ears of corn, fingerling potatoes, green beans and a yellow zucchini, all just picked moments before.  We went home and immediately cooked and devoured all six ears of corn!  Look for Mick's on the Hansville road.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

It was a very good day

The Bainbridge Art Museum, the new Alehouse, Thai dinner on the waterfront, gelato, then this.  Just another Ho Hum day in Paradise😉

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Success Story

Several years ago I planted some dried nasturtium seeds a neighbor gave me  in an old tuna can.  These are their great grandchildren.  Next year I'm going to plant them in hanging baskets because these babies like to trail.  Almost overnight they grew up and over the two small blueberry bushes that those disgusting tent caterpillars tried to gobble up.

If anyone wants seeds, I will have plenty to share.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Dill Pickles

Seventeen pounds of cukes
very slowly starting to pickle
in brine with garlic, chile, dill and spices.

Not a drop of vinegar!

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Five different colors came from last year's seeds.  Last year the only color was orange.  Besides these three colors I got dark red and a pale peach.  I'm mystified.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Exotic Life Forms

Look what's living in a carrot blossom!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

For the Love of Growing Things

These are just a few of the fresh and fragrant daffodils 
that have suddenly burst into blossom 
in a hidden garden above Discovery Bay.  

Their caretaker loves them passionately.  

She adores the variations
in their subtle/striking

She delights in the chrystal-like
structure of their translucent petals.

She sent me home with a lavish bouquet.

I tried my best to capture their fragile beauty.

You can only imagine the fragrance!

I wish I could remember their names.

That's "Chroma Color" on the left!

Did you know that
daffodils are native
to the mountains of

Makes me think of the Little Prince and his beloved plant.

One very rare variety is the
Pineapple Prince, and I think
this might be he.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


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