Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Caramelized Pears

Caramelized Pears
Originally uploaded by JuliMil
On French Toast this morning for breakfast, with maple syrup. Method: Peel, core and slice two bosc pears. Toss with fresh lime juice. Melt butter in saute pan, add pears when foamy. Cook on med high till golden brown on bottom and sprinkle with sugar (a tablespoon perhaps?). Turn pears over, reduce heat and cook until lightly browned on 2nd side, raise heat and add a splash of joberg riesling (the sweet kind) all around the pan, remove from heat when liquid becomes syrupy.


  1. Wonderful post!! This blog is such a nice blend of art and food and life. Zanelle

  2. I salute you for working so hard for breakfast! My goodness...mine currently is as follows: (No burned toast either)...defrost a mix of frozen berries add cheerios and peace cereal, soy milk and eat!
    Your simple Charlotte

  3. That was a special occasion -- Jake was here!



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