Thursday, January 29, 2009

Clawing back out from the online time trap

So far I have had zero interest in Facebook or any of that type of thing, but the night before last I signed up for Facebook because Lois is going to Africa and got on it and urged everyone to do so, so I did, then changed my mind, it felt embarrassing somehow, so I deactivated, but this morning I had emails from people who tried to do the friend thing, but couldn't, so . . . I tried to re-activate, so we'll see what happens. For me, I think a blog and email and good old phone calls are just fine social supplements. A while back, I got curious about Twitter and signed up. It has got to be the biggest time waster of all as far as I can tell. So superficial! A spin off of the Dumb and Dumber era that hopefully will die out now that there is some intelligence in our national leadership.


  1. I think you will enjoy Facebook! Online communities are very real and can be enjoyable when you get away from the superficial stuff. They can go very deep. I know I enjoy Brainstorms even tho they drive me crazy sometimes. Love, Zanelle

  2. I'm with you Julia. How many lines of communication technology can you follow and still have time to have a life? Email is good - I like the blog - I like flickr -- and beyond that.....I should be painting! I wanted to find an old friend on Facebook but so far I haven't been able to figure it out. Like I say, email and blogs work great.
    Joan O



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