Friday, January 16, 2009

Mid-January Blahgging

In an email from the Nature Conservancy I just saw some very beautiful nature photos, finalists and honorable mentions for 2008. You can vote on your favorites, but you can't vote on the honorable mentions, and that's where my favorites are. The link is over there in the upper right hand corner of this page. See what you think. l love the White Sands, Butterfly and starry sky at Arches.

Do we have wood to burn now! What a wood pile! Jake even built an extension to the shed to cover it all. I was worried we'd have to resort to electric heat this winter, but not now! Neighbors gave us very well-seasoned wood they no longer needed, plus we actually bought a cord from a local guy, plus Christine shared her secret source from a golf course in Seattle with us, so that will be good for the future along with the very knotty pine David hauled over from Queen Anne Hill, plus all the stuff we've logged right here and all the stuff yet to be logged . . . keeping warm is serious and time-consuming business around here.

It's slow time for sales at the gallery, but we're busy with social events. We're having a community-wide inaugural celebration on the 20th, we're busy seeking out new members, and we've planned the first in a series of artist coffee and talk times for Feb 5, 3 pm. It's a good excuse to get out of the studio and see who's doing what these days.

Today I finished painting around 3 and as it was low tide, I took a long walk on the beach, further than ever, not too cold since the wind was at my back and not blowing too hard. Saw several great blue herons and wished for binos to check out the smaller water birds. Eventually came to a steep road that led up to the road that connects to our road, passing through the gate with all the stern warnings not to trespass on private property. A couple of kids said it didn't matter. I didn't think so, either.

Netflix streams dvds for Mac users now -- I tried it out tonight with season 2 of 30 Rock. Love that wacky humor!


  1. Glad to get caught up...did you finally get high speed internet to stream netflix? I am still stuck in dial up mode with Cream on DVDs.

  2. Mmm, yes -- netflix streams on Mac now. It's horribly seductive. You're watching Cream DVDs??
    There's something about blog comments I don't get. Like, for one, when you go to your own blog, how do you find new comments? Do you have to just go to each post and see if there are any new ones? Seems like there should be a direct notification path. And, when readers leave comments, do they come back again to see if there's an answer? I guess I just don't get why people do this rather than just exchange emails. I may become a blogger dropout some day soonish. I'm going to send this by email, too, to see which one you see first.



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